The specs on both those trailers are well within the Aramada's range. I currently tow a Keystone Outback 250RS with an Armada and it's 7500 GVWR I believe. Assuming on either of these trailers, you can be under the cargo capacity limitations with the toys you plan on hauling, as well as the other items you load with, it will tow it fine. It won't go fast, and you'll need to be patient and smart on grades, but it will tow it. I've gone three seasons wtih my travel trailer and armada, and honestly it's been great (we've been from PA to TN, and mutiple times to VA, up and down Rt 81). It's certainly not the crew cab dually I towed 38' of horse trailer with, but it's fine for it's job.
You will need to be smart about how you load. Don't load heavy on the tongue - as tongue weight gets heavy fast. Keep the Armada itself packed light, or you'll be over the vehicle's gross. Weigh your toys though to ensure that they don't max out your cargo capicity right off the bat and you can't load food, clothes, water, whatever else you might need for time away.
Also, look at a good weight distribution hitch. I use the Reese Dual Cam, and I highly recommend it. Don't let the RV dealer talk you into a simple weight distribution with friction sway. It won't do the job with the Armada's soft suspension and short wheelbase.
ETA: Do some searches on here regarding Armadas, weight distributuion hitches etc, and you'll get a ton of feedback on towing with it.