Forum Discussion

klr650goldwing's avatar
Jun 14, 2021

Hauling bicycles

What brands/models of cover do you all recommend for protecting bicycles while carrying them on the back of the 5er?
  • philh wrote:
    gtnsmlr wrote:
    I've shredded a few, this one fits 2 big ebikes like a glove, very little flapping

    Do you have some detail on this cover?

    Pro Bike Tool cover.
  • gtnsmlr wrote:
    I've shredded a few, this one fits 2 big ebikes like a glove, very little flapping

    Do you have some detail on this cover?
  • I've shredded a few, this one fits 2 big ebikes like a glove, very little flapping
  • We bought a Formosa cover for about $60 at Walmart or Amazon I think. Been very happy with it covering our ebikes for 2yrs and 20k+ miles.