Forum Discussion

Bute56's avatar
Mar 30, 2016

Having a hard time picking 5th wheel hitch setup

Hey guys. Ive researched for days and cant seem to settle on what to get. I have a 2015 F250 CCSB. Since I have the short box, it seems like a sliding hitch or the reese sidewinder is the way to go. If I go the slider route, I need to be able to take it out and have a clean bed. I like the looks of the b&w companion, but I will also have to install the turnover ball. The pullrite autoslider with the super rail also looks really nice but is really expensive. Plus, I don't get the added utility of the gooseneck ball like I do with the b&w setup. The sidewinder option I'm just not sure of. Im looking for the best option with ease of coupling-uncoupling, lowering the chances of damage to the cab of my truck , ability to manuever into the tightest of spots and still be able get uncoupled. Since it is so expensive for most of the quality options, I'm really trying to do my homework and get as much advice as I can from actual users and those with more wisdom than me. Ive never owned a 5th! Thanks in advance.
  • My truck didn't come with fifth wheel prep so I installed rails. I think they're more solid than any of the turnover ball setups, which can have bed deflection issues. Any rail mount hitch works with the rails, plus I can easily drop a gooseneck ball on them for a gooseneck setup. I'm using a rail mount Andersen for my fifth wheel and love it - light and super solid, and it works great in my short bed.

    There are lots of great options these days. B&W has a great reputation so I don't think you can go wrong with them if you go that way. Or Andersen for that matter. Lots seem to like Pullright too - never used one myself but the biggest knock I've heard on them is you need to be real level to hitch it up.
  • Can't give you pro's and con's, but can relate my experience. I hesitated at spending the $ on the Superglide but did anyway 2yrs and many dozen couplings ago. Love it, love the positive wrap around jaws, and the comfort of not worrying about it. Many live without an autoslider and I *might* have been fine without but again am very happy with not having to think about it when in a tight spot.
  • You did not mention the brand of 5th wheel that you have, a lot of the newer 5th wheels have the corners of the trailer cut so they don't hit the cab of the truck. If this is the way your trailer is go with the B & W.
  • Welcome to the forum!

    You don't say if you have the Ford FW prep option, or if you are going to tow a newer FW with front corners designed for a standard bed.

    There are many people that don't need a slider, me, and also many that would need an auto-slider, using the same truck and FW.

    Pullrite has a good auto-slider, but heavy/expensive. The sidewinder is an option, but expensive as well.

    A Ford, with 6' 9" bed will work with no slider, and the right driver. In the end, it is your decision!
