Forum Discussion

Dirtclods's avatar
May 01, 2018

Head ups! Cal City

I was just out at Cal City this weekend a lot of new signs on Twenty Mule team road off the #395 . One says you must have a Cal City permit or it's a $100 fine. Another good sign says wear a helmet! Some thing else is gone! The old timber wooden mine it's burnt to the ground and gone! When did that happen?

We staged over at Freemont Peek no permit required there plus I'm plated so I don't need No stinking permit to ride over there.
  • discovery4us wrote:
    Cal City is currently under investigation by the Grand Jury and discussing eliminating much of the police, emergency and incident response teams, and many of the city staff. Don't be surprised if they try to fully enforce the needed permit to drive up revenue and increase fees and fines. Lots of chatter that the water and dump station will no longer be available.

    I won't miss it as there are much better areas of the desert to visit. Downside is all that enjoyed Cal City will now fill up the nice areas.

    I was unaware of this. I get the EDC minutes via email and they are very active and preparing for an inrush of "green" business as growers set up shop. That should bring some revenue, but not many jobs.
  • Cal City is currently under investigation by the Grand Jury and discussing eliminating much of the police, emergency and incident response teams, and many of the city staff. Don't be surprised if they try to fully enforce the needed permit to drive up revenue and increase fees and fines. Lots of chatter that the water and dump station will no longer be available.

    I won't miss it as there are much better areas of the desert to visit. Downside is all that enjoyed Cal City will now fill up the nice areas.
  • Cal City has required permits for years. If you go a few times a year the annual permit covers everything. It's not so bad if you use all they have to offer like dump stations, water, etc. Borax Bill park is the place for permits and all the amenities. They do patrol on weekends and have fast response to emergencies.

    I don't like the place, never have, boring riding unless you go up into the Rands or El Pasos
  • Good luck finding a station where they are selling permits when you want one. Last time we rode there we were renegades. By the way, Mike Tyson bought up a huge plot of land out there to build his cannabis spa. Times are a changing.