BARRY2010 wrote:
5 years ago our family decided to go to Pigeon Forge for Thanksgiving. We enjoyed it so much that we have gone every year since and it has become a tradition. We will arrive on Wednesday and go have Thanksgiving dinner at the Old Mill restaurant on Thursday - what a spread of food. Usually head out early on Black Friday to see if there's anything we feel we just simply can't live without. For me that's easy - it's convincing my wife and daughter of that. At the end of the day were back at the camper ready to fire up the grill. While I'm grilling my son is getting the campfire ready. What a nice way to end the day. As Sunday approaches and it's time to head home it's kinda bittersweet. This is generally our last trip for the season so when we get home I will clean the camper and winterize it. As I'm cleaning it for the last time - I'm so thankful for another wonderful season of memories that were created. I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. Until next season - happy camping !!!
Happy Thanksgiving and Safe Travels on you last outing of 2013. Enjoy!