cwill925 wrote:
We came in on Sunday also. We're at River Plantation in Sevierville. Today, Tuesday, is wet and cold, rained most of the night. It's still a fun place to be. Crowds have not arrived yet. River Plantation is wide open. There are seven open spots between us and the next camper. Many restaurants are open Thanksgiving Day and some stores open Thursday evening.
We were camped right across the road from you. We were up beside the convention center. We were suppose to leave Wed., but left Monday because of the impending weather. Have been at River Plantation for the last 4 years the week of Thanksgiving, always leaving the day before Thanksgiving to come home. This year was the fewest rigs we have saw at River Plantation. I think it was 3 years ago, the place was turning people away as it was full up. Last year there was more than this year, but not near full. By the way, did see your rig, really like the M2.