Forum Discussion

KathySandpiper's avatar
Jul 22, 2013

Heat from the windows

I have dark tinted windows on our Sandpiper 5th wheel, but the sun and heat still do a job and the a/c's seem to run overtime compared to our stay put home. Right now I have redneck curtains on the windows (foil and that foil covered styrofoam insulation) The styrofoam stuff is in the large back window and some of the skylights. If I ever order another trailer, it will not have skylights.

What do you all use to keep the heat out of your camper trailer?

Also, the very back bedroom does not get as much air as the other areas so we bought a portable a/c unit and wallah, comfort. That means 3 a/c's running. waiting to see the electricity bill. We will only be there a few days out of the month because hubs works 14/14 and we have cattle and it's hay season as well.
  • KathySandpiper wrote:
    mr.ed how is it attached? thank you :)

    I have some of those things for windows and skylights you can get online that are attached to the skylights with velcro. The heat has broken down the glue on them and they sag. I tried taking one down off of the door and it split because the material is breaking down. They have probably been on there 2-3 years best I can guess. Maybe less. We bought our sandpiper second hand and I don't know how long it was at the dealer.

    Kathy, the screen is attached by placing the eyelets over a sort of thumbscrew and turning them 1/4 turn. You can barely see them in the photo. There are four on top and two on the bottom. The six "thumbscrews" were attached to the RV using pop rivets. All this was done by the outfit that manufactured the screen to fit my particular window.
  • I know 'dark' is sometimes preferred but if light is not a problem, you might try this little trick. Use 'bubble wrap'. cut to the size of window (inside), clean window with Windex (or similar) then apply some Windex and place precut bubble wrap on the window and let dry. This lets light in and gives a privacy veiw. If you still want to see what is going on outside (like at the door) you can leave a small hole or slit in the wrap.

    I first used this in an apartment that I lived in and works pretty good. You can find the bubble wrap in many places, including Wallyworld.