CKNSLS wrote:
valhalla360 wrote:
Lots of circular arguments and chest pounding but more importantly:
The cost difference is minimal to move up to a 3/4 or 1 ton. Or are you saying you already have the 1/2 ton? (in which case give us the details and it's pretty easy to tell what the ratings are)
Diesel vs gas is a bit more complicated (and mildly religeous). Unless you are going to be doing a ton of miles or always in steep mountain terrain, one of the large gas engines will provide plenty of pull at a much lower up front cost. It's mostly a cost analysis at that point.
Some of us find the ride unsatisfactory in 3/4 or 1 ton trucks. especially if truck does double duty as a "daily driver". Please don't post on here that your 3/4 ton or 1 ton truck rides smooth. Because they don't ride anything like a 1/2 ton, and I don't expect them too!
My 01 is my DD and I will put up with some harshness for a Rock Solid towing experance! My 01 is at max pay load and drives and handles very well. It has to, most roads to the coast are narrow two lane with little to no shoulder and steep drop offs in those areas.