Koopgal wrote:
We are going to retire in 8-10 months and become fivers and would like to know if the half ton/ lite series 5th wheel with gvwr's of around 10,000 are truly towable by a half ton pickup?
To keep it simple... Yes, some 1/2 tons will and have done real well with this type load. As a former designer and builder of specialized trailers, I personally would rather be over weight by a small percentage with a 5th wheel then nearly at rating with a bumper pull.
On my trip this past Thursday to Ephrata, Pa. I was passed by a one ton single rear wheel with a smaller TT and just as he passed the trailer started swaying.. bad.. I hit my brakes sure there would be a jack knife but he salvaged it. Yes, 5th wheels can sway but it takes much more to accomplish then a TT.
I've moved two car garages, pole buildings, etc and yes, I was way over the GVW rating of my truck. Was I legal? Sure was! Cop car in front and back and the proper paper work was what was required. No break downs, no explosions, no one killed.