b_pilot wrote:
With a short bed truck and a fifth wheel trailer you should consider a slider hitch. When I bought my first 5th wheel, I bought a manual slider hitch since I had a 2500 short bed. I didn't like it because you had to plan on when you needed to move the hitch back for a tight turn. When I sold my truck for another 2500 short bed truck, I bought a Pullrite Super Glide which moves back and forth automatically as you make turns. It provides piece of mind knowing that you can make a tight turn without hitting the cab of the truck. Much more expensive than a manual slider but worth it in my opinion.
X2!! I have noticed a lot of people pooh, pooh the super glide! They say it is heavy? I want something heavy and rugged to pull my 5th wheel! You never have to stop and think, "should I slide"? It does so automatically, you just back it in, no worries! Hitching and un hitching is a snap! I do not have to worry about it it just sits there and does what it is supposed to do! You wanted a suggestion, Pullright Super Glide all the way!