Coach-man wrote:
X2!! I have noticed a lot of people pooh, pooh the super glide! They say it is heavy? I want something heavy and rugged to pull my 5th wheel! You never have to stop and think, "should I slide"? It does so automatically, you just back it in, no worries! Hitching and un hitching is a snap! I do not have to worry about it it just sits there and does what it is supposed to do! You wanted a suggestion, Pullright Super Glide all the way!
And he wouldn't be able to pull much trailer as of all the added hitch weight. If I could I'd go superglide in a minute but I have to keep my hitch weight under 2500-2600 lbs. And I am too dang old with too many back issues to be lifting that monster out of the truck. I am seeing a 225-250 lb hitch with the rail adapter for my 5h wheel prep.
They do make trailers that have the tapered cap that will allow a short bed to turn pretty tight. Most of these are trailers that are in the weight range a 3/4 ton truck can haul. I watched a guy back in a Cougar with a Chevy short bed and a non sliding hitch pretty slick.