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On_Gorton_Pond's avatar
Aug 07, 2015

Help...Reese Sidewinder / Revolution or Pullrite Superglide


I'm looking into replacing my manual sliding hitch with either the Reese Sidewinder/Revolution pinbox or the Pullrite Superglide hitch and would like to hear from those of you that are using them and the pro/cons of each.

Before you ask, yes I did crunch my cab with the fifth wheel and although my manual slider hitch has been great I did not even see it coming when I did this, so I'd like to prevent it from happening again.

I was pretty close to pulling the trigger on the Superglide, but the one thing that concerns me is the 10 degree limitation on hitching and unhitching. My RV is 40ft and there are times where I can see needing to hitch or unhitch at a sharper angle. The sidewinder appears to be up to 90 degrees if needed.

Thanks in advance for your input.
  • Dtank wrote:
    "do not think about sharp turns or u turn or backing up"...:h..:h

    34 ft 5th.

    Back up with my SG regularly.

    If *you* have difficulty backing, find an empty parking lot and practice.

    I read it that Ed9824v did not have to think before backing or a "U" turn. I don't believe he meant "don't even think about doing it"!:@
  • I have the super glide and do not have problems hitching or unhitching! To me it is the best hitch out there, some claim it is to heavy, I see that as an asset, it is bomb proof! I never even have to think about do I need to slide the 5th wheel on my short bed, the hitch takes care of all my problem. I think you will be miles ahead purchasing the Superglide as opposed to any of the others, good luck!
  • Ed9824v wrote:
    Old Duck wrote:
    I went from a manual slider to a Superglide early last year. Have not had a problem hitching, I get it lined up and have the pinbox a little lower that the hitch so it pushes the bed down slightly. On releasing, I've had a few times I haven't been able to pull the release handle until I got back in the cab and backed up enough to take the pressure of the connection. I haven't had the sidewinder to comment on it.

    this is the same situation I have had with the SG just got back from a 5 week vacation and hitch and unhitched many time with ease. only 5th I have had.

    do not think about sharp turns or u turn or backing up.

    I did readjust the big bolt in the back to take out any looseness from wear and the hitch never swings around when disconnected. I would recommend
    to others.

    "do not think about sharp turns or u turn or backing up"...:h..:h

    34 ft 5th.

    I live on a 22 house residential cul-de-sac street. I'm at the "entry" end.
    Every time I bring my trlr home, I make a U-turn at the end of the cul.
    Never had a problem - even when a couple of cars are parked there.
    Never had to "adjust" or back up to accomplish that.

    I have made U-turns in intersections - of course "analyzing" the room available beforehand.

    "or backing up"
    Maybe I'm missing something??..:?

    Back up with my SG regularly.

    If *you* have difficulty backing, find an empty parking lot and practice.

  • Old Duck wrote:
    I went from a manual slider to a Superglide early last year. Have not had a problem hitching, I get it lined up and have the pinbox a little lower that the hitch so it pushes the bed down slightly. On releasing, I've had a few times I haven't been able to pull the release handle until I got back in the cab and backed up enough to take the pressure of the connection. I haven't had the sidewinder to comment on it.

    this is the same situation I have had with the SG just got back from a 5 week vacation and hitch and unhitched many time with ease. only 5th I have had. do not think about sharp turns or u turn or backing up. I did readjust the big bolt in the back to take out any looseness from wear and the hitch never swings around when disconnected. I would recommend to others.
  • On Gorton Pond wrote:
    ............................I was pretty close to pulling the trigger on the Superglide, but the one thing that concerns me is the 10 degree limitation on hitching and unhitching. My RV is 40ft and there are times where I can see needing to hitch or unhitch at a sharper angle. The sidewinder appears to be up to 90 degrees if needed.

    Thanks in advance for your input.
    That 16 degree (not 10) limitation on hitching/unhitching is a bit conservative. I have had a Superglide since 2005 and have hitched/unhitched at slightly more than 16* on a very few occasions.
    If you REALLY have to unhitch at a higher angle, then pulling the two pins on each side of the saddle will enable you to lift the hitch head up and out of the truck while still connected to the pin box.
    You can re-hitch by reversing the process, or you can pull the hitch head off your pin-box and drop it back into the saddle; replace the two side pins and re-hitch normally.
    It really is not a big deal.
    I have no experience with a Sidewinder so cannot comment.
  • I went from a manual slider to a Superglide early last year. Have not had a problem hitching, I get it lined up and have the pinbox a little lower that the hitch so it pushes the bed down slightly. On releasing, I've had a few times I haven't been able to pull the release handle until I got back in the cab and backed up enough to take the pressure of the connection. I haven't had the sidewinder to comment on it.
  • On Gorton Pond wrote:

    I'm looking into replacing my manual sliding hitch with either the Reese Sidewinder/Revolution pinbox or the Pullrite Superglide hitch and would like to hear from those of you that are using them and the pro/cons of each.

    Before you ask, yes I did crunch my cab with the fifth wheel and although my manual slider hitch has been great I did not even see it coming when I did this, so I'd like to prevent it from happening again.

    I was pretty close to pulling the trigger on the Superglide, but the one thing that concerns me is the 10 degree limitation on hitching and unhitching. My RV is 40ft and there are times where I can see needing to hitch or unhitch at a sharper angle. The sidewinder appears to be up to 90 degrees if needed.

    Thanks in advance for your input.

    Haven't had but one hitch since 2005.

    No way to compare to the others.
    It ain't broke, so no need to fix it or change!

    *NEVER* had a hitching/unhitching problem - including uneven ground and "angles".

    I have a PR SuperGlide - which *can* exceed the 16 degree "limitation" (if desired) by simply pulling the two pins on the head.
    Should add - never had to do that.

    A search on here will yield lots of comparisons of SGs and the various competitors (with "user" benefits) of each.

    Simply enter "Super Glide" in the *archives* section (over 12 months) of Search.

    Here's an interesting old one that addresses your question....

    Super Glide and unhitching angle

    Note: In the above thread, some posters refer to "pulling the two pins on the *capture* plate".
    PR likes to call it the "5th Wheel Plate".
    Yes - it does "capture" the pin, LOL!
    But a better term would be hitch head - as it's on the hitch - and has the locking and unlocking mechanism.

    Anyway - the two pins are on the hitch head which is removable from the hitch.

    (PR calls the plate that goes on the King Pin Box - the "Trailer Plate")

  • 2112's avatar
    Explorer II
    I have the SuperGlide and it works for me. Never even think about if can I clear this or do I need to stop and slide it out.

    I struggled with unhitching at first but realized it works every time if I do not take all the load off the hitch before I pull the handle.

    Once I was at too much of an angle and had to pull the four pins to release the head from the base. Once seperated the head released from the pin box and I put it back together.

    As far as it sliding while not towing I connect a bungee cord from the head to a tie down in the bed. That solved that.

    I have no experience with the sidewinder.
  • I have the Super Glide works ok but I am new to FW's. I added a Blue ox bed saver so it takes a little adjusting to hook up to clear the bed saver. I had to do some adjustments to keep it from moving around when not hooked up
  • Had the Superglide on our previous fiver and didn't really care for it, always gave me trouble hitching up and unhitching. If I had to choose between the two, I would lean towards the sidewinder. Although, I have read comments from others that love the Superglide. My next truck will have a full size bed and I plan on using the Anderson hitch system.