Forum Discussion

Padlin's avatar
Feb 21, 2014

Hitch Lock

Quick question, does anyone use a 5th wheel hitch lock? If so do you use it for something other then in a storage lot? It's a $30 option on a FW I'm looking at.
  • Thanks folks, for the $ I'll get it. Time will tell if I use it.
  • If they want it that bad they can have it. Good excuse to get another one :)
  • We just leave our girl Fluff Fluff when we leave the campground. Never had a problem....(and yes, we pick up after her.)

  • ependydad wrote:
    I use a simple one- when the camper is in storage or parked on the road in front of my house. I never use it while camping because to steal my camper, they have to break in, bring all 4 slides in, bring the awning in, move random stuff from under the camper, disconnect water, sewer and electric. If they're doing all of that- they deserve it. :)

    Where are you camping next weekend??? :B

    Seriously, I have the Guardian one-just in case I ever need to abandon the rig...but with big sledge hammers and battery grinders I really think the the lock is just keeping the honest in line.
  • We have it on 100% of the time when it's sitting in our yard (storage)...when camping and going to be away for awhile, I will put it on.

    It's another form of security.....the thieves will look for the easiest target.
  • I use mine when I think I need it AND remember, which is to say not very often. That said, probably not a bad idea to get it for 30 bucks.
  • We have one and don't really use it. We will use it if we leave for a couple days using the truck and the camper is parked in the driveway. That is the only time we use it.