Forum Discussion

ramblinjim's avatar
Apr 25, 2019

Holding tank capacity?

Hello everyone i am new to this forum, I currently have a 42 ft 2015 recreation by design fifth wheel. we just did a long 4500 mile trip with it in two weeks and are working towards going full time in the next couple years. We are wanting to down size and we started looking at new units. We have decided to go with an older used unit as we want to remodel it. Long story short i am looking for a fifth wheel that has 100 gal of water copasity and is around 30 ft long. I have looked at some alpenlites online, they seem like a solid choice was wondering if any one has insight as it is very hard to find tank sizes on these units. Does any one know of any fifth wheels that are smaller with large holding tanks? thank you in advanced.
  • You're on the right track with Alpenlite. The holding tanks are huge. My brother has a early 2000s Valhalla (~31ft) and it has 100 gal fresh tank. I believe the 2 gray tanks add up to 100 gal and the black tank is 50 gal.
  • ramblinjim wrote:
    Hello everyone i am new to this forum, I currently have a 42 ft 2015 recreation by design fifth wheel. we just did a long 4500 mile trip with it in two weeks and are working towards going full time in the next couple years. We are wanting to down size and we started looking at new units. We have decided to go with an older used unit as we want to remodel it. Long story short i am looking for a fifth wheel that has 100 gal of water copasity and is around 30 ft long. I have looked at some alpenlites online, they seem like a solid choice was wondering if any one has insight as it is very hard to find tank sizes on these units. Does any one know of any fifth wheels that are smaller with large holding tanks? thank you in advanced.

    Not many full-timers boondock that much, in my experience, so wondering why you need that much internal fresh water? As others have said, very unlikely you're going to find that large a tank on anything but a TH < 35'. Using a bladder or other external tank, can certainly solve your problem, especially if you don't always need that much internal water, i.e. at a campground with hookups.

  • My trailer is supposed to have around 90 gallons of fresh water. I've owned the trailer since new, and never was happy with capacity, as it certainly doesn't have 90 gallons of useable water.

    So I bought this. Clicky.

    Might not be exactly what you are looking for, but it solves our problem. It is easy enough to move my truck to fill the tank when needed. Then I use a modified RV fresh water pump to pump from this tank to my trailer.
  • Northwood Arctic Fox 27-5L.
    82 fresh
    67/35 grey
    65 black 29'5" L
    IMO having large grey tanks are more important the the fresh. You can always add some fresh if needed.
  • It is unlikely, you will find a 30' RV with that large of fresh water tank. The exception being toy hauler models, which generally have large fresh tanks, some more than 100 gals.
