Vannnce wrote:
^^ i wonder how much those affect handling. taking all the weight off the back of the truck makes me think that traction with that much weight behind you would be an issue.
"that much weight"??
If you mean the HDT.....
We're talking a semi (Class 7 or 8 tractor) that was designed to haul a commercial 5th wheel trailer weighing up to 80,000 pounds!
Heavy 5th wheels & 'toys' are flys on an elephant's back!
Actually for RV use, they move the hitch well *behind* the rear axle of singled rigs, and usually between (or to the rear) of tandems.
(To *increase* the weight on the rear axle/s.)
Added bonus: 5th wheel tracks (follows the TV) more like a TT.
Handling? Lots of full and part timers with LOTS of miles.
Never saw any handling problems posted.
Try "lurking" on the site!..:W
Lots of very talented folks.