Forum Discussion

Callmemoe's avatar
Oct 15, 2015

I can't say I would recommend a Voltage!

I'm new here and would like some input. I now have a 2014 Voltage that bought 11 months old. I have had numerous problems and would like to communicate this information to the benefit of others looking to buy/avoid buying something as well as repair suggestions.

As this site seems to be those that already own, any suggestions where I can put information so people like me would have found it before I bought this 5er.

  • Seems like none of the manufacturers do any kind of PDI on the trailers before they leave their facility and rely on their dealers to clean up the mess. Overall just seems like a really bad business model since dealers are hit/miss when it comes to service after the sale. A lot of this **** could be addressed if manufacturers would just put a little more effort into inspecting the units before shipping them out the door
  • ...........Maybe , all purchasers should pay 80% of the agreed sales price , escrow the other 20% for the full warranty period and only make the 'last' payment IF , ALL , repairs have been handled correctly to the owners satisfaction !
    ..........Just imagine the public outcry , IF , our trucks and cars were mfged to the same level of quality control and shabby workman ship we've come to expect from the RV industry !,jf
  • I realize that Path1 is kidding but you may not. Titling your post as he suggests is almost certain to get it ignored by lots of people who think it's just another poster b*tching about his crummy trailer.
  • I don't know who makes the Voltage but try to look for an owner's group. They are always your best source for info or to share your grief.
  • Callmemoe wrote:
    Thanks for the feed back everyone. I'll mention some of my RV issues here in a few days.

    Maybe title your post: "Why I would never buy another RV like my last one"

    Probably many, many responses.

    I can't believe some of the problems people have, some with brand new RV's.
  • Thanks for the feed back everyone. I'll mention some of my RV issues here in a few days.
  • I would use google to search for something like "Jayco Voltage problems" and compare to your experiences. Use this forum to add any additional information you would like to share. Think about others who will submit a Google search and make sure you use helpful keywords to help their search result. As you will see, topics from this forum do show up in search results. Others will appreciate your work.

    This may sound crazy to you, but also mention some good features that convinced you to buy the unit. I usually avoid totally negative feedback knowing that an emotional fire is burning that skews one's perceptions.
  • Many RVs both very expensive and very inexpensive have problems. Some very minor, some major. Some RVers expect all of the problems to be repaired, including the minor problems. Of course it is their right. I find fixing most of the little problems myself saves me a lot of time. My concern is the large expensive repair problems. I have also found from experience if I take my RV in and list 30 or 40 minor problems I usually get the sunshine treatment. Sort of punishment for being picky :B These RVs are built quickly. I'm surprised they don't have more problems. Many people have problems in new S&B homes and they just sit on a solid foundations, except in CA where they have earthquakes.:B RVs bounce around on rough roads. If the dealer fixes my major problems I am happy. Would be interesting to hear the major problems that you are incurring with your new RV.

    I had 3 problems with my new MH. Hydraulic jacks, front window leaked, and gas filler neck. All were repaired by Monaco. Gas filler neck was the worst since I was on the road and not able to fill it with fuel. I had 30 or 40 minor problems with screws, loose shelves etc. that were just easier to repair myself. The advantage of repairing those myself is that I could modify the repair to prevent it from occurring again. A dealer won't do that and most will re-occur. JMHO
  • You could post information in the Beginning RV Section LINK

    OR you could post your information in this section......5th wheel

    Trying to predict where some one will find info is fruitless ....newbie or even an old salt changing types of RV might just look in General RV Section.

    Who knows.........all you can do is post the info.
  • It seems like EVERY brand has a story to share like yours so not sure what good it will do... It just seems to be a reality of the current RV market and poor quality control. Its hit/miss when it comes to quality issues with each brand these days