Likes to tow wrote:
High gas prices are only part of the issue. Supply and availability are also major concerns. Last year certain areas in the East were without gas due to cyber attacks on the supply chain. It was short in duration but a trial run for the real deal? The world is a powder keg right now and with current events and response to those events something major could happen. I don't think I want to be more than one tank full away from home!
Snap out of it. All the gloom in doom is n your mind.
The only reality is none of us are guranteed our hearts will be beating in the morning.
What cost more buying a $100,000 worth of RV and tow vehicle and not using it. Or spending an extra grand on gas for the entire season.
There have been no prolonged recent gas shortages.
The likely hood of gas being available is as good as the likely hood of us being alive an able to travel.
While no one can predict the future there is ample gas supply for my lifeime! Which by the way maybe shorter than I think.
With that in mind do your "RV thing" today regardless of fuel prices.
Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Sure we may have to adjust our budgets and make some changes, but don't stop living. The time is now. The clock is ticking. Our lifespan is more limited than the fuel supply