JEBar wrote:
Brantime wrote:
It really comes down to what your floorplan is and where your stairs are located...Do they end near the door? Do they end near any openings such as air ducting? What room is there at the bottom of the stairway?
agree .... the older I get, the less I like steps .... for that reason, earlier today, we spent some time looking at Jayco Eagle Travel Trailers .... if we could find a well built travel trailer like the old Sunnybrook Titan 33FKS that had a space for a separate washer and dryer, we may well move in that direction .... till then, we'll hang on to what we have and may take a look at modifying the steps
Check out this Excel with the bath option "E". It's a quality travel trailer with space for washer/dryer. Good luck, Phillip