Forum Discussion

charles_1947's avatar
May 20, 2015

Issue with generator

I'm having an issue with my generator (Onan 4000) It runs fine until I put a load on it (turning on AC)it labors and the dies?
  • Wolverine68 is most probably right .
    On my 4000 , I replaced with a new carb , new fuel pump , new fuel filter , spark plug , air filter , and new fuel line and it turned out to be the Hertz/rpm adjustment.
  • charles_1947 wrote:
    I'm having an issue with my generator (Onan 4000) It runs fine until I put a load on it (turning on AC)it labors and the dies?

    Pull the error code causing the shutdown. My bet is that the Hertz/RPM are out of spec while under load.
  • Funny, my 5500 is the opposite. Runs great with a load and sometimes quits running without one.
  • My previous Onan 5500 would do that. Turns out that it was only running on one cylinder due to a faulty ignition. It would handle a little load but not much.
  • Try just revving it without a load by moving the throttle linkage, turn off the circuit breakers first though so you don't damage any electronics. That would at tell you if the motor is running right. If that check's out then sounds like the governor is not reacting to the added load.
  • Did you store it with gas in it? Carb could be the issue.
  • Check to make sure the winter/summer adjustment is set properly. It could also be that it sat too logo with ethanol fuel in it and no fuel stabilizer.
  • Ok make sure you have you frig on propane some auto switches switch back. Secondly check your oil level .