colliehauler wrote:
kcmoedoe wrote:
ReneeG wrote:
kcmoedoe wrote:
Would you have bought the rig had it been $10,000 or $15,000 more? That is what you would have to pay had they built the rig with all top of the line items. Like it or not, most people couldn't care less about what tires come on the rig. Price is the almost always the determining factor in a sale. That's why they have cheaper tires, cheaper televisions, cheap microwaves, cheap carpeting, cheap wallpaper, cheap faucets, cheap furniture etc. etc. etc. Adding $500 to price to have different tires would add zero value to 99% of the customers when it came to completing a sale.
Whoa! This is a loaded statement and unfounded for high end fifth wheel owners.
I am 100% sure I could go through the highest end fifth wheel and show where they could "upgrade" dozens of components. I am not saying all manufacturers cut costs or make bad rigs. But, this thread is about focusing on one small part of the rig, the tires and saying they should spend whatever it takes to put the best on the rig. The next thread could just as easily be about the Television, asking why the cheap manufacturer didn't put one of the new 4K sets in, why the bed is only a mid level Sealy and not the top of the line, why the shades aren't motorized, why there isn't a commercial range. Another poster lamented that they build them to make as much money as possible, and that is true. What is also true is they make absolutely nothing if people don't buy when they make, so if those quality component concerns were really common in the marketplace, they would use better items. The fact that they apparently don't pretty well sums up the market.
I agree with Kcmoedoe MFG use price point to compete. People will shop price before quality. They sell more Montana's and Cardinal's then New Horizon's and DRV's.
Not so much in this day and age. The Internet is allowing customers to become much more educated and it's not hard to find out what the true "cost" of glitzy junk over plain quality will be a couple years down the road. I've noticed more and more people jumping on here asking about new RVs, and I only read the FW forum. I can only imagine the others are the same.