Forum Discussion

DutchmenSport's avatar
Nov 17, 2019

It's called a Tiny Home?

This popped up in my Youtube video suggestions.

YouTube video, click here.

But after searching the web for Timbercraft Tiny Homes, I stumbled into this one ... OMG!

Check this puppy out!

These are goosenecks.

I can't find any info on their weight, if they have holding tanks (fresh, black, or grey) either, or power demands (50 amp or more???)

Just thought I share and scratch my head experiencing a "WOW!" moment!
  • Their company website says that the goose neck can weigh 20K pounds. No problem for an F-150:W
  • Yeah, I don't think those are designed to travel down the road, except to get where they'll be installed. I can't see 23 wood framed windows standing up to lot of road work.