Lar's wrote:
My leveling Jacks seem to make popping noises whether we're moving around inside or not. My neighbor said that there is a fluid additive or a different hydraulic fluid that will stop this activity. He's not sure as to specifics though.
Question: Has anyone had a similar experience?
Any solution recommendations?
Yes!!!!!! You need add 1 or 2 qts. of "Caterpillar Hydrolic Additive 1U-9891 fluid (about $35 a quart) AFTER you have drained 1 or 2 qts. from your hydraulic jack system. If your popping stops with 0nly 1 qt. then do not add the second qt., if it continues then add the second qt.
Contact Lippert Components Inc. "" or 547-537-8900 or
Lippert issued a noticifaction addressing the problem with the popping sounds in Lippert Leveling system.
The popping sounds are the result of outdoor temperature changes. I only needed 1 quart and popping sounds went away and have not had to add any more additive. The popping nosies drove me nuts until I found the solution to the issue.