While we don't own a coach Dutch asked about, can give my 2 cents also. 1st 5er was a '06 Cedar Creek Silverback which listed in the mid 40's (bought in early '05 new). Few years later at Hershy show, kicking tires and such in the CC booth, ran into the CCrep and asked him why the CC's are now in mid 80's. His reply was due to "technology, design, and couple other things upgrades". I wasn't buying it and told him so. To this day he doesn't like me very well. Around the same time, talking to a tech at dealer where we bought our CC (still had it as well), he said that the new CC's were not as good quality wise as our '06 was. To be honest, we had very few problems with the '06 all the while we owned it. Hence that was 1 reason why we were considering still another CC product when we decided to upgrade as our '06 had outgrown it's usefulness for us being a bunkhouse and kids grown and not with us much anymore.
Again, at Hershy show in '16, still considering another CC, it became apparent that all coaches were in the 85-100K range and nothing really triggered our fingers plus CC made changes we didn't like and agin asked the CC rep as to why and got a BS answer. Wondering around, we decided to take a look at some other lines just for kicks. One thing the DW was asking about was a 1/2 bath at the time. CC's was a sardine 1/2 bath. Big Horn was a helluva lot larger 1/2 bath. Made no decision then on new coach. Few weeks later went to a dealer while camping as it was raining to browse around. Went into the Bic Country and DW said "This is it!". Sat on it over the winter.
Come early '17 and now decided on the BC and dealer whome we saw it at. Somehow, I plugged into the net and another dealer came up and figured "what the heck, can't hurt to inquire with them on same thing". Ends up the 2nd dealer is like 9 grand less than 1st and was staying firm. Mind you the BC spec'd out in low 90's. OTD was upper 50's when all was said and done and had to drive 500 miles to get it. Still worth the savings.
Now, is the BC worth the 90K price tag? Yes and no. Looks great, plenty of dazzle and glitz, nice features and all, heavy (which I read can translate into a better ride/coach ???). But it has had a couple issues which HL took care of and yes it has same components as every other mfr out there. Wires just laying all over behind basement wall looks awful. Overall tho, she for now at least, seems pretty well built and designed nicely. Still worth 90K? Hard to say, but it is a house on wheels and we don't have all the options for them as we do stick built homes. But like everything else all have seemed to double in price in just 10 years or so.
IMO, I feel that yes there is a difference in quality of 20-40K coaches up to the mid 100K ones. And yes, we will still continue to buy them despite all our concerns and complaints.