Nov 14, 2012Explorer
Keeping a log
I am wondering if any of you keep a log book for your fifth wheel, you know kinda like a ships log. If you do what kinds of things do you log/keep track of? We have a brand new fifth wheel, this Frida...
gcloss wrote:
We have been camping for 32 years and I started keeping a camping journal back when I purchased our second PUP 28 years ago. The salesperson gave us one as a little gift.
We keep moving the journal from trailer to trailer. It's great to look back and remember all of your travels, kids first trips, our dogs, family & friends who camped with us, etc. I always kept track of costs as well, price of gas and campground costs per night. We used to camp with W/E for $6 a night in a private CG that now charges $70 a night and gas is now $4 a gallon.
joe2222 wrote:
My Wife has kept a journal since we started camping together in 1970.
She records where we go, where we stay and what we do. It's great when we try to match pictures to where we were.
She put it all together in a binder for me last Christmas. Reading it brought back a flood of great memories. Some of our disasters made me wonder why we kept going but the good times far outweighted the bad.