Forum Discussion

Merlot's avatar
Nov 14, 2012

Keeping a log

I am wondering if any of you keep a log book for your fifth wheel, you know kinda like a ships log. If you do what kinds of things do you log/keep track of? We have a brand new fifth wheel, this Friday we'll be heading to Tucson for the winter and thought it might be interesting to keep track of things like mileage, LPG consumption, places stayed, is the fridge on auto AC or LPG, water connected or not, waste tank dumps and treatment, electrical connection 50 or 30 amp, weather conditions.
  • Wife keeps a journal, It has some information we can look back on but it is mostly for the fun of looking back on our trips.
  • We have three logs. I keep a log of fuel, MPG & maintenance for my DMax, Mileage and Maintenance for my 5er and a "campers log of all the CGs we stop at (including the farm in PA that I grew up on) which includes what we did and what sites are the best when we return. I still have my father's logs from the 70's & 80's that included price of gas, LP etc. They make great reading.
  • Every trip we take, the mileage to and from, name of park we stayed at, site # ind comments about park & site, every repair made.