Forum Discussion

bassin39's avatar
Jul 26, 2015

Keystone Montana

Hi all. New member here. Not only to the forum but to RV'ing in general. Long story short, we are looking for our first RV. We will be living in it, for a while or forever. Hopefully the latter. We have been looking at tons of RV's and have finally settled on a fifth wheel. I am extremely impressed with keystone products. Fifth wheel and travel trailers. We are looking at the Montana series of fifth wheels. Since we are still in the looking stage, any thought's from you guys and gals that have been doing this for a while? We have not purchased a truck yet. Still waiting to see which fifth wheel we choose. Money is an issue. We will be buying the fifth wheel new leaving little money for the truck. So it will have to be used. We are planning on staying in one place for a while so we wont be towing to often anyway. Any thoughts on trucks? From what I can tell the Montana we are looking at is about 13,000 Lbs. Anyway, sorry for the long post and hope to hear from someone soon. Thanks in advance.
  • We have a 2007 Montana we bought new July 2007. Could not be more pleased with it. There is a very active Montana Owners Club (MOC) forum with lots of full timers who are very happy with theirs in all types of climates. Of course, there are also some who have had problems to varying degrees. I think they are as good as any in the price range.

    You need to check weight ratings of the trucks carefully. Truck payload ratings have really gone up a lot over the last number of years. I would definitely recommend a 350/3500. The pin weight of the trailer would determine if you can get by with a SRW, or if you need to go with a DRW.
  • If you plan to full time in NJ, be forewarned you will be cold all winter. RVs have the insulation value of R7 or so. Basically a double pane window is about as good. If you can get south of the MasonDixon line all winter you will be better off.
    As for Montana? Their OK, but I think they have slipped some in the last few years. As a comparison and in the same price range look at Cedar Creek, Cardinal. Both IMHO offer more for the dollar.
  • Montana's are believed to be a good value for the dollar. Be sure to check the Keystone user forums for information. As for a truck, go by the GVWR of your selected 5ver. If you are thinking full time you'll need a larger unit. The GVWR will be the shipping weight plus carrying capacity. All are over 16,000 lbs. You should be thinking a used diesel dually for a truck. Good Luck