Forum Discussion

14crusader's avatar
Nov 07, 2013

Kitchen sink drain plug.

I have a brand new 2014 Crusader 2 weeks old, would anyone have any ideas why my kitchen sink drain would be totaly plugged. I pulled and checked the trap it is very clean. I have been the only one using the rig. all other drains work great, shower, bathroom sink.
  • From external pix...there are only two handles in wet bay for black and one for grey. Website only lists black (35 gallon) & grey (70 gallon) no galley tank.

    Kitchen sink 'P' trap clear then run a snake down the rest of line into tank and check for obstruction otherwise back to dealer if you have that time to have it sit for weeks.

    When you drain the grey tank.....does it flow freely?
    When it is drained and with drain valve still open..does kitchen sink draining change or still not drain?
  • The fact that you said you checked the p trap tells me that you have a obstruction in the line somewhere. Won't drain rapidly but does slowly drain out or you would have had a mess when you pulled the p trap. Back to a dealer and good luck.
  • The shower and bathroom sink are most likely on a different gray waste tank. My rig has a separate holding tank for the dish water. And the release handle is located in a different spot than the bathroom gray water and black water handles. My guess is that you have a full holding tank for your dishwater waste. Two weeks would be just about right to get it completely full.
  • If running a snake down the pipe after removing the trap doesn't do it, you might have to get it looked at under warranty. A 2 week old rig with a plugged drain suggests there's a foreign object in there.
  • I would take it back to the dealer and let them deal with it. I have no idea why it would not drain.
  • Is it possible you have a 3rd holding tank that is full for the kitchen sink only, alot of tralilers have them but not sure of your model? Good Luck