Forum Discussion

Tony_B's avatar
Jun 10, 2017

Landing Gear and Stabilizers

Landing Gear and Stabilizers?
I need help in a few things here.
Since I am not completely familiar with terminology I will start here before my question.

I believe the front 'legs' are technically "landing gear" and the rear legs are "Stabilizers". Is this correct?

The landing gear and stabilizers appear to have 2 moving parts each. One part is the part of the RV itself, which I will call the 'sleeve' and the other is the free falling drop-down part with all the adjustment holes in it. So I will call it the 'Drop downs". Please correct me as this thread progresses.

Now for the real questions:
I have a 2016 Denali 293RKS

1). When I get to the site and am still attached to the truck, I lower the 'landing gear' starting with the electric lowering of the Sleeves before I lower the drop downs. How much of the sleeve should be lowered before I drop the drop downs?

2). When I am able, I drive the truck out from under the RV and get ready to setup the rear legs (stabilizers?). Same question, how far should I lower the sleeves before I let the 'drop downs' drop?

Thanks in advance.
Tony B
2016 Denali 293RKS
  • I lower the landing gear about 6" first but this really depends on how level the ground is. Before you drop your landing gear get the trailer level side to side with some kind of blocks.
  • I run my electric driven front landing gear down a few inches before lowering the inner drop down much depends on levelness of site.
    I prefer to NOT have much of the inner portion extended any more then needed.

    After raising 5vr enough to unhitch and drive truck out I level 5vr front to rear using front landing gear legs...then drop front down 1" off level.
    I then set up rear stabilizers and check they are snug

    Then run front back up to level

    You talk about rear stabilizers having an outer and inner sleeves so you must have '4 point leveling' system

    Set up front level then set up rear level.....dropping that onner sleeve as little as can be done and still have enough range with outer driven sleeve.
    After a few times you will get the idea what/how much based on levelness of site.

    Just remember this

    Wheel chocks........1st thing ON before unhitching and Last thing removed after hitching---even when on flat surfaces
  • To add what's been suggested already is make sure both front legs touch at exact same time to either the ground or blocks. Makes no difference if one side is lower than the other, just make sure they hit at same time. Before our 6pt, we did what you have to do and always carried different thickness of boards (ie: 1/4", 1/2" pieces of plywood say 6x8 or so, 1"x6"x12"s, 2"x6"x8") to place on the ground to spread the weight out some and to shim as needed so pads hit at same time.

    Once level side to side 1st, like Old Biscuit said, wheel chocks on BEFORE unhooking and off LAST after you hook up ready to leave.

    If not done already, add a side level w/ graduation marks to left side of RV and a big bubble level to pinbox as that one tell you how much your off and which side.

    The landing legs will be trial and error----sorry. BUT if you have or add the side level, remember: bubble to rear of RV, front has to go up. Opposite is true if towards the front. Outter legs should extend approx 18"-20" for reference. The more landing leg(s) you have out. the more "wiggly" the RV will be.

    After you get the side to side done, wheels chocked, unhooked and leveled front to back, then you can lower the rear stabilizers. Hint: use a cordless drill if they are the crank type.
  • All good comments and suggestions.
    Go to You Tube and type "hitching a fifth wheel" in the search bar. Lots of good videos to not only entertain you, but also educate.
  • Has anyone tried the landing gear stabilizing bars to help with the rocking of fifth wheel?
  • 3ares wrote:
    Has anyone tried the landing gear stabilizing bars to help with the rocking of fifth wheel?

    JT Strongarms!! Put them on our old coach. Loved the result.
  • I just installed a set of landing gear stabilizers from steadyfast and I couldn't be happier, they took out all the movement. They are a snap to use with only three points to tighten when setting up.

  • I wander which is best for stabilizing the trailer; the landing gear stabilizers steadyfast type or the tripod jack on the fifth wheel pin?
  • ^^^^^^^^^The landing gear stabilizers, hands down. I've had both and gave away my 5th wheel pin tripod after I put on the JT Strongarms.
  • Per Carriage owner manual the part without the holes in the landing gear is the strongest part of the landing gear. Thus the part with holes should be as short as practical and the sleeve without holes should be as long as practical.