If you have the actual legs extended down far it will make some squeaking noise.Did you extend the leg extensions? Also if you grease the zerk fitting,make sure the legs are up,or you will have a lot of grease with no where to go when you raise the legs. You can also spray the sliding legs with WD-40 or whatever,just use a little to avoid dirt sticking to them.
Also do not run the power legs up all the way until they stop,it will trash the gear in the motor.Most come from the factory with a paint mark on the legs from when they spray them. People seem to get scared if their landing gear is 6" down from the trailer,guess they think it will hit the road on a bump or something.
One other thing when you have it hooked up to the truck is to see how far the sliding leg extends before it falls out. I rarely slide mine out more than 8 holes.