Forum Discussion

stro1965's avatar
Oct 07, 2013

Laundry sheets and bugs on the front cap.

I read it here, and didn't really believe it until I tried it today. WOW! Never before have bugs come off so easily! Thanks!
  • Nutinelse2do wrote:
    Are you all using DRY dryer sheets or WET ones?

    Wet ones. And I too vote against the spray and wipe cleaners. Just use regular car wash soap.

    If it gets to the point where it won't take a shine, check this out:

    Many thanks to 4X4van. I used his technique a few weeks ago, I'll report on how it holds up.

    Love this forum!
  • I spray the front of my class C with water (or do this cleanup on a damp foggy morning), then did a long-handled mop into bug-removing windshield washer fluid, give the bugs a quick rub with that, and quickly wash it off with water. So far no problems and no climbing up to reach it with the dryer sheets.
  • I just spray the front with pam and then hose it off when I get where I'm going.
  • I would recommend against Simple Green, it will strip any wax/sealant you apply plus it is very corrosive.
  • It's the only way I've gotten through the biannual lovebug seasons all these years in Florida.
  • The simple green will go through your wax in no time but the used dryer sheets remains one of the best tips I ever got here. After 4,100 miles the front of our Class C, perhaps the ultimate bug catcher, was bad but three dryer sheets later looking good. :C
  • I spray a little Simple Green on the area and then wipe down with the dryer sheet. Has just a bit more kick that way. Works real well if good coat of wax is kept on nose. When the bugs start getting real tough even with the dryer sheet, I know I have to wax. Randu