As mentioned, there's a wide variety of bulbs and also colors, intensity etc.
So a lot of this comes down to personal choice and preference. And of course, what type of bulbs your unit has.
There are a lot of suppliers out there and a huge amount of cheapo imports from China. I'd stay away from shopping by price only.
I converted my last TT to 100% LED. I even did the stove hood bulb.
I did a lot of homework for different suppliers and as mentioned above, M4 LED stood out well above many other suppliers. I initially bought a few to see how they were and then immediately ordered enough to do all the rest of them.
I maintain that you get what you pay for.
M4 LED bulbs is a very good quality company to deal with. The people there were extremely helpful and prompt with my order.
If you go in via the link in the post above they have an online coupon good for 5% off your purchase.