Michigander wrote:
Mike I am not sure what model we have as I can not locate a model number. What I am curious about is what the electronics are that make it work. I understand the golf cart transaxle and the chain drive but all the relays are beyond me. I simply want to know the why and how of each part so I can replace as needed. I am actually shocked that no one has picked up production as I find ours to be the "go to" device!
Comments about how much owners liked them can be found from time to time - including one happy owner who found a used one at a reasonable price.
There *are* other companies manufacturing similar "heavy duty" tugs -
but they are very, very expensive ($4-5K).
The light-duty versions are hit-and miss for use on anything other than smooth, level ground.
The possible reason for the company going out of business - is buyers wanting a heavy duty tug for a fifth wheel can find used fork-lifts for 1/2 the price.
OP - locating someone capable of repairs - is well worth your effort!