Forum Discussion

icecoled007's avatar
Oct 08, 2013

Looking to buy first toy hauler Advice? Reccomendationd?


I am looking to buy my first ever RV. I found a Fun Finder XT-190 and was wondering if you can help provide some insight to me.

I have a 1500 Silverado and am looking for a light toyhauler. The XT 190 looking to fit the bill well. I am looking to haul a Polaris Sportsman 800 which seems to be at the upper hend of the XT190's storage space (48"x83"). I know Cruiser advertises the availabel storage as 50x80. Do you know if my atv will fit at 83" long?

What else should I look for or keep an eye on when buying it? Its a 2008 model and has the original tires on it. The owner said it is about ready for new tires. The owner said the front window has leaked slightly once upon a time and has caused a small amoutn of delamination up front. I am looking to travel 300 miles to pick it up so I have not seen it in person.

He is willing to sell it for $6,500 with the equilizer hitch included. I would be driving around 700-800 miles round trip to get it. Does this sound loke a good/fair/or poor price? He also said the awning has some minor damge to it as well from wind and driving down the road.

Thanks for you help/advice. Sicne this is my first RV and I am new into this I appreciate any advice you have.

How is the build quality of Cruiser RV? Is the delamination up front a mojor concern? It seems hard to find a decently price toy hauler here in Colorado (prices seem higher here then elsewhere). What other brand/types should I look for.

Thanks in advance!
  • Beyond the weight issue one thing you really need is a good inspection of the RV before you agree to buy it. A good base check list is the Tom Boles' Pre-Delivery Checklist from here. For toy haulers you need to also inspect the fuel station, so bring a gas can with 3-5 gallson to empty into the tank and pump back out. Then inspect the ramp door to see if it's showing signs water damage or cracking.
  • As you will no doubt find out, dry weight numbers are next to meaningless
  • Thanks guys - I think I will be stuck with this truck awhile. That Fun Finder has a dry weight of only about 3400 lbs.

    My truck has the ability to go to about ~8000 lbs (4x4, 08 w/ towing package)
  • My advice would be to get a bigger truck first. You won't be able to haul much of any kind with a 1/2 ton.
  • If they advertise a storage less than you need why would you go get it....most companies exaggerate things. Best bet would be to have the current owner measure the space.

    Delam could be fine, I would be concerned what other water damage there is that is not visible.