Years ago I lost a tread on a tire and it did tear out the covering and broke up some of the plywood structure directly above the failed tire. I figured rather that take the slide out apart to replace the broken wood, as that wood did nothing but keep the elements out I would install a new metal panel. I went to a heating/ac company that could bend sheet metal and had them make me a panel with a 90 degree bent lip that I wanted so the metal would fit perfectly. I used a sealer caulk & self taping screws to install the "bullet proof" panel. Now I don't care what those tire do it will never hurt the area above them again. Total cost about $25. and maybe 1/2 hour of time. The metal shop had 3 different thicknesses of metal and I choose the thickest, price was negligible, maybe 4 dollars between thin and thick. Having it cut and bent it fit like a glove.