Allworth wrote:
(SC, If you are going to be driving an RV after taking pain meds, let me know where you are going so I can avoid he area.)
I think I explained my method on another thread (or maybe another forum) I start out driving with no medication and drive with the pain until I can't take it anymore. When the pain becomes too much to take I take a pill and either pull into a rest stop or campground. I stop rest and nap and wait a few hours before driving again. Depending on how bad the pain is the distance I can drive can vary before I need to take another pill. The pill can take 20 to 40 minutes before it absorbs into my system, and sometimes I will take the pill when I am 5 miles away from a rest stop
I am careful to take every possible precaution that will insure I am not under the influence of any drug while driving.mI worked hard all my adult life and I want to enjoy traveling, I do not want to spend the rest of my life staring at a TV because I became injured while preforming my duties
I mentioned this in another thread he is a quote
IT WAS POSTED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE ON THIS THREAD"I also have back and knee problems which require me to take powerful pain killers. What I try to do is start out the drive without any drugs and suffer with the pain, after a few hours when the pain gets to be too much I take a pill and pull over to rest. By the time I have finished my nap the drugs are mostly out of my system so I begin driving again while I suffer in pain. When the pain gets to be too much to take anymore I take another pill and start the cycle all over again. That is one of the many advantages of driving with your bedroom behind you. There have been times when I was driving my car and stopped 2, 3 or more times in one day and paid full price for the room to nap for a few hours."
"Regardless of the cost I will never endanger the lives of other motorists if I feel my ability to drive has been impaired."