dstephens wrote:
Actually I don't think I am overweight with my current trailer. I am not sure I will be overweight with the Montana.
I will do some more research.
the truck is a heavy duty 3/4 ton. You may be correct with your numbers, they just don't make sense to me.
Thanks for the info.
It sounds like from your comment that you have never actually drove your rig across the scales. Understanding the whole weight issue can be confusing to say the least.
The next time you get a chance and are loaded to go camping run the truck/fiver across a scale at your local truck stop. It usually costs $10.00 and takes about 5 minutes. The weight ticket will break it all down and you can do some research later at home and figure out where you stand.
I have been slightly over on my hitch this year and have recently put my Montana "on a diet". We are leaving Florida next week and I will be running it across a scale to see if it made enough of a difference.