Forum Discussion

kenboat's avatar
Jan 02, 2015

Montana Owners Club Forum

We are looking at a Montana High Country and some other fivers.

A couple questions about the Montana Owners forum.

Can you view there forum without being a registered member ?
And has anyone registered recently online ?

It seems like everytime I have tried looking at there forum, all I get is there sticky notes and none of it is recent activity, months old.

Thanks, Ken
  • What you're mostly gonna get on MOC is how much they love their Montana. Nothing wrong with that as they wouldn't own one if they didn't like them.

    I recently traded in a HC 343RL and could give you some insight.

    We loved the layout and build quality for the most part was no better or worse than comparable fifth wheels.

    Keystone during the warranty period was great to work with.

    Front cap and decals faded/peeled. I saw (MOC members) that Keystone was covering the decals after warranty but they wouldn't in my case.

    Largest reason I traded the trailer was that it only had 5200 lb axles on it. On the surface with a 12,500 GVWR it would have been ok but the layout of the trailer with 3 slides, kitchen, water heater, bathroom all on the left side... The left side of the trailer was overloaded. The left springs flattened out after a year where I replaced them with heavier springs but they flattened out as well. The trailer had a noticeable lean to it when on level ground.
  • Looks like they have changed something. I tried logging out of the site (normally stayed logged in) and when I did I could no longer see the postings. Don't think it use to be like that.

    Registering is free, simple, and anonymous. And no commitments required. So go for it.
  • you have to register to make comments on the forum.

    what do you want to know about montanas? they are just like the rest of the 5th wheels, pick one you like.
  • Its Free.
    I know its a little confusing now as you have to click on the big FORUM box to get there, but its very active and I see lots of new active topics every few times/week I log-in as a long time (since 07) member.