I manage a 258 cart fleet of RXV and RXV Freedom carts. This platform is very good for golf use.
I have no experience in lifted machines. I can say that the front A arm is first part to bend if a front wheel strikes a solid object such as a wall, fence, rock or other cart. We replace several A arms in a year. On the positive side, the A arms are less than $20 (my cost) and easy to change.
Yes, the RXVs are programmable but a V-57 handheld scanner is required to access the controller. This is a very expensive device that most home owners would not have or want to buy. A cart dealer could make changes for you and possibly charge to do it unless you are friends. I have programmed a few private carts for people and do not charge if they bring cart to me. If you are a regular customer at a course with an RXV fleet you could meet the tech and see if he can program your machine for you. Programming takes about 4 minutes.
Most of the data we see with the V-57 deals with battery and cart usage. The scanner does have a comprehensive set of troubleshooting aids and tests it can do but again, this is for trained techs.
Operating perimeters you would be interested in are top speed, acceleration rate, and downhill braking effect. All these are quickly checked/changed.
For use in campgrounds I would recommend 19.5mph (max), quick accel rate and no downhill braking for a sober adult driver. If children are going to drive this cart (this includes drunk adults) I would slow it to 12.5mph or slower and also slow down accel rate depending on the child (drink count). Downhill braking would not be important for cruising around in most conditions. It has a large impact on safety and battery life when playing golf however.
19.5 mph does not sound fast but trust me, an RXV on full accel rate and max speed programmed is a handful of fun!! They will spin tires on wet grass or loose gravel. They will snap your head waaaay back on pavement!!! They would be too much for a child or drunk adult to handle though and someone will get hurt!!
The RXV charger is a small solid state, fully automatic unit that takes very good care of the battery set. Because RXVs use an AC motor they use less energy which means hundreds of dollars a month to me and nothing to you except the charger is easy to move and use. It does warm up so watch where you set it.
I have had very little trouble from this fleet of 2011 carts that will be 3 years old in January. I would recommend one for the job you need but remember, I have never lifted one.