dedmiston wrote:
nayther wrote:
I lived just up the road from the Grand Ave. ramp from '79 to '81 while attending Cal Poly, back when the beach was free and wide open. Spent many a day watching idiots crossing the creek at high tide and during a storm. Was cheap entertainment, just the cost of a 6 pack!
Wow. I thought I lived far out of town. I was on South Higuera down past the cemetery and the drive-in.
You had a pretty long commute to get to class.
yes, moved there after we got married, cheapest rent we could find and afford plus very good friends lived close by. Most days the DW and I went in together; she had a job in downtown SLO. Some very great memories of living up there, wish I'd stayed. Now go up to visit those same friends and my son and his family, usually at Nacimiento.