Forum Discussion

Gray_Fox's avatar
Oct 08, 2014

Moving a 5th/W

A friend of mine has someone who needs a 5th/W moved about 280mi. What do you think I should get money wise. It's only one way.
  • I moved one a few weeks ago for an old boss. It was a 130 loaded mile trip with a couple of tolls. I charged him $400. It was 2 1/2 hrs each way, plus an hour getting it off the old seasonal site and a little over an hour getting it on the new seasonal site.

    30 gal of fuel @ $4/gal $120
    7 1/2 hrs labor @ $20/hr $150
    Truck wear and tear $.50/mile $130

    Like arnko37 said...north of $600
  • Officially, I wouldn't charge anything.....Your insurance company may frown upon hiring out your truck. Now, if your friend's friend wanted to pay gas and shoot you a few bucks for your trouble after the fact, you might haul it, being the good friend that you are....wink, wink
  • Depends on location. I would do it for a friend for, like the other post, fuel and a meal. Otherwise depends on distance.
  • I would not do it for less than about $600. Figure up your fuel cost and time for the round trip plus use of the truck. There are no doubt others who would do it for less but I am not one. Just my opinion.
  • If it's a friend I'd do it for lunch and fuel.
    Sorry,I first misread. A friend of a friend changes things.
    It's likely to require 30 gal to get there and maybe another 20 gal for return. So that's a good place to start. Additional for wear on truck and whatever your time is worth