Puddles wrote:
laknox wrote:
YakFishMo wrote:
Why is it that camper bearings need repacking? Cars go hundreds of thousands of miles and don't need repacking. Does anyone know? My 2012 Cedar Creek has not had the bearings repacked. Am I on borrowed time?
Not saying it's right, or advisable, but I ran my Komfort for 10 years before having the bearings done; maybe 10-11k total miles since I bought it new. They are EZ-Lubes and I'd give each one about a half-dozen shots of grease every year and check for play. As I was having some other work done on it at a shop, I just told them to replace them all, along with the seals and adjust the brakes. Had no (or minimal) grease past the seals and there was no appreciable wear on the bearings. Just my experience...
Hey... You should be out there buying lottery tickets..
I wasn't worried, since I did check every year and, frankly, didn't travel all that much. I have an IR thermometer and check my tires and hubs at every stop, too.