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Papa__C_'s avatar
Oct 08, 2017

Need help with my Atwood hot water heater 10 gal

I need some help .. my hot water heater got to hot and blew the relief valve. I was told it was the thermostat ( the unit works on elect. & gas. ) I run it on electric. I went to the RV dealer and was told I needed to replace the thermostat. He said it was found behind the hot water heater I looked (after buying the part ). I found nowhere to replace this thermostat!
I then ( not very happy) went to you tube and the only place they show is a thermostat on the front of the unit ??
Im totally confused. However.. I did replace the thermostat on the front ( it's working ) just wondering if I did right. Thanks for any advice in advance.

Papa C
  • This may help. My hot water heater has thermostats on both sides of the tank. The gas side is outboard and the electric side is buried in the fifth wheel.
  • Not an unusual situation at all. I have replaced both thermostats on my Atwood 10 gal water heater two times. Sounds to me like you did it right. :)
  • Thanks for your reply !
    The relief valve pooped of and hot water was going every where.
    I agree ... I think the " Gentleman " needs to go back to school. I now feel better.
  • Dealer is WAY out of TOUCH

    Up to/thru 2003 Atwood Electric/Gas combo water heaters used separate t-stats for electric and propane functions

    2004 ---Present (For past 13 YEARS)
    Atwood Combo Units use ONE set of t-stat/ECO for BOTH electric/gas functions
    They are on front (outside compartment)

    Under the foam insulator ....marked ECO/T-stat
    Red wires/....ECO (HI Temp T-stat---180*F
    Brown wires/..T-stat (Normal controlling ---140*F)

    BOTH failing is suprising

    T&P Relief Valve BLEW??
    OR weep heavily
    T&P opens at 210*F YIKES

    Weeping....could be from T-stat failing,,,water heating to 180*F (ECO shut down----should have gotten a RED Fault light) and loss of Air Pocket inside WH TANK

    You did buy/replace BOTH ---correct?
    Not necessary but 'best practice' to replace (come as a set with new foam cover)