maxum1989 wrote:
I looked at the Carlisle Trail RH and all the specs looks like it will do the job, especially in the load range E. I would have quite a bit of a weight cushion with those tires. However, I could not find a speed rating on any of the sites I looked at. I am hoping these tires aren't lumped into the same 65mph limit as so many others. If these tires have a higher speed rating I think we have a winner.
You can increase the speed rating by running up to 10psi above the sidewall pressure. I have an odd brand of ST tires on my TT. They were OEM from Winnebago. The tire is Ameritrack by Unicorn tire. The tires have the nylon cap that other premium tires have. They have performed well at 12psi above sidewall pressure. I have gone on two cross country trips without issue. One, Michigan to California, and Michigan to Ouray, Co. The funny thing I found is my trailer is severely out of balance side to side. The tires on the passenger side are wearing 50% faster. I plan on getting the Carlisle Trail RH tires for many reasons. The DFSS is one.