JIMNLIN wrote:
This from Carlisle website on page #92;
..-High speed towing in hot conditions degrades tires significantly.
..– Do not exceed 60 mph while towing a trailer.
..– Most ST trailer tires have a maximum speed rating of 65 mph.
..– Load carrying capacity decreases as heat and stress generated by higher speed increases.
..– Time and the elements weaken a trailer tire.
..– 3 to 5 years is the average life expectancy of a trailer tire,regardless of mileage.
..– It is estimated that in approximately three years, roughly one-third of a tire's strength is gone.
..– After three years, depending upon storage and conditions of usage, consider replacing trailer tires even if they have tread depth remaining.
..– After five years, trailer tires should be replaced in all cases.
Not a good choice for the OPs tire needs.
St tires sound great. 60 mph speed limit and don't tow when it's hot. Pretty soon they will have a temp rating too. Poor suckers will be babying them and only driving in the morning and late evening and still get blowouts. I'm not a tire expert but have read the testing requirements and I don't see how st tires could be better for towing when the testing is not as stringent. How can a cheaper tire with less testing requirements be superior? The funny part is now several st makers say 1/3 of their strength is gone in 3 years. So that won't carry their rated load and you should replace them. Lt tires can go double that so you end up paying more in the long run for st tires...oh and as a bonsus you get to have blowouts on your vacation and tear up the side of your rv.