Denny & Jami wrote:
larry barnhart wrote:
We are still using the bearings that came with our 2001 alpenlite that get greased every other year. Always told they are good or they would be replaced. Why are the never lube going bad so soon?
Nev-R-Lub can't be greased so they have to be replaced , it's to bad that some places take advantage of people like they do for normal service. What are shops charging now just to repack a normal bearing,I will bet it's more than what you can replace sealed bearings for over the same time period.
Larry, they must be greasing your shackles, cause like Denny says, NevRLube brgs. can't be greased. Replacement is the only cure. Here's some of the things I've noticed in our 12 years of FTing.
*NevRLube bearings have a built in lateral freeplay of .040-.050. Normal. Folks being sold new ones based on that.
*The bearings are big and robust.
*Many/most bearing failures are a result of side blows to the wheels and then in time the bearing will fail down the road.(bearing brinelling)
*Some grease "weeping" on wheels is normal, especially in the early days.
*In maybe 150-175,000 miles of RVing, we've never had one fail.
*I still check my hub/tire temps at rest stops.
*There was a short period of time when NevRLube had a run of bad/defective bearings and got a bit of a reputation from that episode.