After looking at what was out there, I liked Arctic Fox. They seemed well made and solidly built. Their frame is built to be driven off road, which in the RV industry is apparently rare. They are not a hugely mass produced trailer, giving them the opportunity to produce with quality. I have two friends that own them; one about six years old and one new. Both are happy with few reported issues. If I was buying today, that's what caught my eye.
I have an Alpenlite that is in its tenth season of heavy use. We have had very few issues since new, so it is a hard task to try and match the level of use and quality that we already had. The reality was that we were looking for a new trailer as we disliked the sofa that it came with. We solved it by buying a new sofa. Problem entirely solved, and we still have the trailer that has all the really nice features that we wanted and were used to, but couldn't find with the new trailers. Unfortunately, Alpenlite went under long ago.
Something I left out of my earlier gripe session was, how I can't understand how any company can sell a trailer for $100K+ that has any issues at all, but they are out there.