Welcome to forums! For what it's worth, I have a travel trailer, and don't belong to any of the forums, but read from the "Newest" and just go down the list till I bump into the last post I read. By the way, the drop off at 24 hours, but the Active and Popular will return what folks are currently post on, even if the original post occurred more than 24 hours ago. So, my suggestion... read, read, read and enjoy, learn, share, and feel free to ask questions. Sometimes a question is better asked in a different forum (for example, Tow Vehicles, rather than Travel Trailer or Toy Hauler. I also find there are a lot of similarities between Toy Hauler, travel trailer, and Fifth Wheel that we all share the same issues. So, read them all. You'll learn a lot.
I'm able to park my camper at home. When reading these forums, I'll stumble into something, and next thing I know, I'm outside checking something in my camper, come back to the threads and make a post. Yup, happens a lot! So you just never know what you'll learn on here. After a lot of years, I'm still learning, and still have pleasant surprises, and every now and then, something I've never, ever considered. Those are the good moments!
So, read, read, read! Sit back, enjoy, laugh, and cry! Most of all Welcome Aboard!