Welcome to the world of our US Gov't and semi driver's about speed limiters on semis. No agreement on top speed (62,65, 68) has been thrown about. Most if not all newer trucks are computer controlled and speeds can be set per the company or owner operator. Do you recall states w/ split speed limits for cars and semis? 55 for semis and 65 for cars! It has been argued, fought and finally some sense came to the powers that be, that split speeds are a accident waiting to happen. So now there are very few if any states w/ split speed limits. Might have reduce speeds in some states at nighttime. Don't think you will ever see speeds for semis/RV's much above 65-70. May be wrong, but IMO, that's just not safe especially for TT's.
As for use of 4-ways, only if you don't have lights except 4-ways at night, broken down, going at least 10+ mph slower than traffic on hills or if in driving rain storm/snow. Another use of them is if you see traffic or are coming up on traffic that is going REAL slow to alert those behind you that something is up. Not all behind you will head what your doing as they will probly try and go around you only to say "OS". Have seen it done many times driving my semi.