I am also looking and trying to educate myself on purchasing a nice hopefully used 5th wheel. We now have a 1992 lance 24 foot. Yes, I bought this lance used and it seems that it isn't the highest quality. The biggest complaint I have is the plumbing on it. The manufacturer seems to stretch the hoses as tight as a banjo string. It is very hard to get at anything for repairs. I am looking for something that I can actually work on and that won't fall apart on me.
I am not rich and not poor. I have heard Alpenlite 5th wheels are good quality. Is it worth the extra cost for a Hitchhiker, Dutchman, or higher end trailers? I don't need fancy stuff or big flatscreen TV. I want about a 24-29 foot trailer.
Right now I store the trailer outside and I know this is hard on it. I would like to build something to store it in, but I don't want to spend the money. Give me your suggestions and help. I plan on keeping the new one for many years.