Transporting of pets...that's a personal choice. One that YOU have to make
The dogs are your property so you can transport them how you like.
You will get all kinds of do this, do that, DON'T do this etc.
Folks get real emotional when it comes to pets.
We have run into some spirited opinions/comments during our travels. But we do what WE choose with our dog.....regardless of comments cause them folks don't know us or how we care for our dog.
When traveling our dog is in the truck cab in a harness strapped in.
Her survival odds are better.
BUT we have that option as it is just us 2 and the dog...she gets the whole backseat. No sharing.
If we had 2 kids........and 2 dogs we would probably opt for kennels in trailer vs truck bed.
Guess you could sit 3 across. 1 adult, 1 dog, 1 adult AND 1 kid, 1 dog, 1 kid
But then there is the window access issue and he touched me and the drool :B know your dogs. Choose......then go camping and have fun!